

INNOVOTO is a platform specially developed for the implementation of electronic voting at General Meetings of Shareholders and other participation bodies.

INNOVOTO allows shareholders to express their will via the Internet in a simple and secure manner, without the need to travel to the location where the General Meetings are held.

EADTrust electronic voting telematic voto electrónico telemático

The system has been developed in an open structure so that it takes into account all the variables that exist in the process of the General Meeting, as well as the peculiarities of each organization (professional associations, associations, schools, trade unions…).

From any device

Access from your computer, tablet or mobile as well as from any operating system

Easy authentication

Choose the identification method for voters that best suits your needs

Neutral third party

With Innovoto, the authentication of the participants is done in a simple and guaranteed way, thanks to the use of cryptography.  A verification method is implemented through the calculation of a custom hash for each user, which relates a series of personal parameters to random components. In this way, the hash uniquely identifies the voter.

It acts with total impartiality and guarantees the anonymity of the votes

The subscribers will only see the vote count and the voters who registered on the platform, but they will not be able to know who voted for what

Do you have doubts? Contact us

Calle Alba, 15 - 28043 Madrid

+34 91 716 05 55